Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Best Groundhog day ever

 "So, what were you doing on Groundhog day this year?"

We were busy playing on a beautiful beach!  So while there was no "Pocahatchy" (or whatever his name is) Phil, there was plenty of fun in the sun.

Only a few of us were brave enough to go all the way in the water--apparently February ocean water is still cold no matter the air temperature!

K-bug does some yoga on the beach.
 She also invented a game where she pushed/chased her mom in the waves and then frantically tried to pull her out without getting wet herself--it was pretty funny to watch.

We never tire of this game.

 After we got done scaring the fish in the ocean with all our fun and laughter, we went to stare at the ones in this aquarium, billed as "an underwater zoo," which made it even better for eldest son.  And it was free, which made it perfect for me and husband dear. =)  After that we ate a wonderful meal at Macaroni Grill--does it get any better than that?  Happy belated Groundhog Day!