Wednesday, September 2, 2015

"Another one busts the dust..."

I have a children are growing up faster than I can take in most days.  Sure Imp frequently gets the words mixed up or wrong, which yields such jewels as the above song title and the standard "pisgetti," but even these things are becoming less frequently heard.  While eldest daughter, at the tender age of eight, is passing my chin and eldest son is also stretching taller as well.  It is a strange world to be in, I borrowed eldest daughter's flipflops the other day and they were only a tad too small.  Makes me think that my frame of reference for them might just be a tad too small as well, more and more they are coming into their own as people.  Whether it's a clever "invention" from Imp, a delicious-from-scratch chocolate cake from eldest daughter, or the thought-provoking theological discussion of heaven and animals with eldest son--it's one more level of knowing them and seeing who they will become.  I have to remind myself that I am not letting go of who they were, not really, (I have too many funny stories, memories, and pictures for that to happen) just trying to keep pace as their lives are opening up.