Saturday, March 31, 2012

Seven times around the sun

I cannot believe he’s seven, it seems so old.  Husband Dear assures me that 8 seems much older, but, well for now anyway, I’m stuck on 7. Perhaps it’s because of the places we will go, and have been, that just makes him seem older.  I mean at 7 I had changed states, but he’s changed countries, cultures, languages, norms.  It is one thing to read Oh, the places you’ll go and it’s another to put shoes on it, so to speak.  At 7 he is serious and sensitive, prone to daydreaming and hours of drawing, but when he laughs it is like water spilling through a happy waterfall and you know you’ve accomplished something.  I hope, more than anything, that 7 will be a bright year for him…
Beautiful boy, I love you so.