Friday, May 4, 2012

Doth my eye deceive me?

So, I was walking into our “majilis” (think of a more formal living room—they are a very common feature of all homes and apartments here) when I saw something grayish-brown scurry quickly across the floor.  I gasped and screamed (didn’t know you could do both at the same time, but it is indeed possible) slammed the door to the room and yelled for husband dear to come quickly as we had, “a MOUSE in the majilis!!!!!!!” (emphasis mine).  Husband dear walks in with a fly swatter (wha????) and a dust pan as I stand back (far back, as in behind the other side of the door) waiting to see what will happen.  When he calls for me and says quite calmly, “Now, I want you to go Google mouse because I don’t want you to be alarmed when you discover that your ‘mouse’ looks exactly like a lizard.”  To which I replied, “It most certainly was too a mouse!” To which he moved the chair and chased our uninvited guest outside.
I told him that it was certainly the fattest looking mouse-lizard I had ever seen. 
The funniest part of it all is that I had just been telling someone the day before how I would probably not scream if I saw a mouse in the house, just point it out clearly and calmly.  Ha!  Guess we all know better now!