Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sick Days

Well these past weeks have been a strange fog of sickness and life lessons.  We are emerging from this wicked sickness that—had you asked me a week earlier—I would have promised it might end up with me expelling my lungs from the force of coughing…
But just because we are sick (husband dear too) doesn’t mean the world stops or slows down—so sometimes, as husband dear was so good to remind me, sometimes we have to step off and take sick days.  And so for two days we did.  The only effort we put forth was into making sure our children stayed alive and made it to and from school.  And praise the Lord, we all survived and are once again well (and then sick again briefly for eldest daughter =( a story we’ll tell next installment).  Thank you to all of you who thought of us and prayed for us, and have been so faithful to do so always—we love you!