Friday, June 1, 2012

Winter is gone

And this is what window gels look like after a few days of summer heat in our neck of the woods.  I cannot get past the irony of the desert sun melting away our futile attempt at keeping winter just a little longer...

The brown "slime" looking part used to actually be a branch of sorts--I like how in the bottom it's just sort of eaten a little white snow flake...

The kids did still have a lot of fun sticking their fingers in the melting gels.

And on a happier note, some of the gels were saved from this fate a month or so earlier by Imp.  That was when she decided to take them and stand on her bed and throw them up at the ceiling (these ceilings are like 12 feet high).  So now we have random gels stuck over her bed.  I discovered what she had done after I heard all three of them trying to "unstick" the gels from the ceiling by hitting them off with every stuffed animal we owned (which resulted in several animals dangling from the curtains near Imp's bed).  Husband dear and I had a time trying to sound firm without laughing about (or sounding overly impressed by) their general ingenuity in both getting the gels stuck and their efforts to "unstick" them.  I also took note of both their desire to help each other, and the fact that it took several minutes to actually get the culprit to confess.  Hmm, teamwork--this may not bode well for us in the future...