Wednesday, October 10, 2012

And the cast is off!

Sweet girl, she never once complained about wearing this cast, even though she's right-handed, and it's been over 100 degree heat for most of the time, and dry and sandy everywhere you play (and I won't even begin to tell you all the things we found inside her cast when they took it off).  She never slowed down and she never complained.

She did promise to stay off the monkey bars for a little while.=)  We'll see how long that lasts...

Here you can see how we remove casts--with a saw!  Thankfully we've done this before (and viscerally, at least, she knew she had too from her previous cast experience) so this also went smoothly.

And, just to be sure everything in her arm was working properly the good doctor gave her another lollypop to carry on her way out.