Friday, October 19, 2012

Stanley's Visit: Part Two

What a difference a little know-how makes in fixing up pictures.  Husband Dear took pity on you all and took the red-eye out of these, maybe one day I'll try to learn how to do that...

In this picture you can see the henna she just got done (it's very orangey on the first night).  No henna for Stanley, darn that laminating film!
 Stanley hanging out with the other "kids."  I can't say what is more disconcerting in this picture--Stanley's electric blue eyes that follow you everywhere, or the babydoll without eyes...
This is the one playground toy I can't look at without feeling a little sick...NEVER eat creamed spinach and then take a spin on this bad boy is all I've got to say...
I added this picture so you could all see the henna after a day or two, it gets much darker as you can see here in this picture.  Stanley enjoyed playing at the park--we took him when everybody else here goes to the park--at night. =)  Thanks for the visit Stanley!