Friday, September 6, 2013

Crazy life, busy life

Or, you could title this "better than nothing, maybe"...
To recap: we've moved and love, love, love our new home; we've been super busy setting it up and trying to get ready for me to home school eldest son, daughter and Imp; we've been traveling across continents, work and vacation related, for the past two weeks; we've returned to take on the mountains of laundry we hauled back here with us (and to start home school).
I have promised you pictures, and I do intend to post them and, honestly you deserve much better posts about our adventures of late and I will try to deliver.  If anyone works out the technology for streaming thoughts and images directly to blog posts I so need to sign up for that.
Anyway, it's late and my battery (for the computer and for me really) is fading, but I wanted you to know that I do remember that we have a blog and hope to make amends soon for my absence(s).
Love you all!