Monday, September 16, 2013

Our new place

 Welcome to our new place; we love it here!  The first thing Imp learned to do at our new place was ride her bike without training wheels!!
 This is the view from the front...when you stand on the steps and zoom really far in so you can see that deep patch of blue, which is the ocean my friends!  Yes, I've made it back near the ocean at last, but ironically we have yet to have time to visit it here!
 My kitchen, I love this kitchen with it's electric convection oven that cooks so beautifully, and husband dear really digs the dishwasher (!) that is on loan with the house for our year here.
 I think the girls room might be one of my favorite rooms...and I would just like to say that I helped put that bed together!  Oh Ikea, the bane and blessing of our existence!
Forgive the red eye in this shot--I wanted to make sure you got to see a picture of our classroom.  As an update, we are all having such fun and they we are learning so much!
 Smelling the roses and giving thanks.
For an actual yard, a sanctuary of our own and...
the little surprises we keep finding within it!