Saturday, August 6, 2011

Strangers on the beach

During our trip, we actually got to see and play in the Ocean.  It was the most refreshing moment after endless desert to go into the cool water and play with our children.  The beach was completely ours—something as a Florida girl I find really strange at this time of year.  Well, I guess I should say the beach was almost completely ours, because we were not actually alone.   In the midst of building a sand castle I looked up to see hundreds of brown eyes staring inquisitively at us.  After all, this was their beach, and they were not used to seeing people come and play here.  They hung back watching us, one of them even started lounging next to our car, perhaps they were hoping for some food?  Camels.  On the beach, playing in the ocean—who knew?  Life here is never dull!