Here is her cake, this picture makes me laugh because this represents the third cake I made for her birthday, which can be seen from my use of all the leftover icings. This girl celebrated with cake at school, day care, and our house--not bad I think. And by the way this cake is super yummy--here's the link: We prefer it with cream cheese icing...
Here is a picture of the skirt I finally made for her. No lie, I've been carrying around the fabric for this for over a year. Leftover from my niece's quilt, since the girls share middle names and close birthdays I thought it only fitting (no pun intended).
This was her big gift from us and I must admit that I am super-excited about playing with this gift. On a funny note, Husband Dear, big shout out to him for assembling it all, set up the rooms. Well, eldest daughter saw the box for the house the next day and realized that Daddy had set up her house different from the picture--so she quickly set it to rights to match the box...
My little ballerinas and their brother--everyone gets a gift from the sweet care packages you all sent to us for the big day. Thank you beyond words, you made the days of birthday =) very special for all of us. We love you!