Sunday, November 27, 2011

On giving thanks

Thursday was our family’s first Thanksgiving here and, overall, I thought it went well.  Of course, it was different and we missed our families back in the states, but maybe because of all of that it caused me to really think about the holiday, its origins and how this thanksgiving really seems a lot (in spirit) like what perhaps the original day might have been like.  We were a crew of assorted cultures, mostly Americans, gathered together, many missing those we love who are far away, but filled with gratitude for the friendship found in sharing this day together.  Everyone brought a dish that meant “Thanksgiving” for them or that was a favorite dish from their own country.  In the blending of cultures I was reminded of the beauty that can be found in sharing in other’s lives, their joys, their sorrows…and the grace that is given and received in this kind of moment.  So, happy thanksgiving to much loved ones who are never far from our hearts and to new friends who extended and included and welcomed us to the table—our lives are far better for the both.