Tuesday, September 25, 2012

And sometimes you walk straight into the glass door

This is one of those posts that I hesitate to share, because let’s be honest it’s just plain embarrassing, but if you get past that it’s pretty humorous and the laughter helps it to hurt a little less—a little anyway.  So, we were walking into my favorite shopping complex and husband dear and the kids were up ahead of me giving me plenty of time to observe them as I walked.  Mainly I was taken with Imp and her, ahem, style.  She made it out tonight in flowery leggings and long sleeve top (it’s still 100 degrees here) and shiny pink heels dragging a magna doodle behind her.  After I observed her, and admired the job I did on husband dear’s haircut this afternoon, I saw two ladies in the perfume store smiling at Imp and then me.  I was then thinking, “that was so nice of them to smile, I’m going to smile back,” and WHACK.  That was when I walked smack into the retracting glass door.  And this wasn’t one of those times where you play it off quickly with a “nobody noticed so it didn’t really happen” kind of recovery, oh no.
 A)  I never saw it coming, so it was a full on smack the door and bounce off reaction. 
B) Several somebodies noticed and either laughed outright (my dear family) or had a mixed look of surprise and concern (the shopladies).  
So, what did I do?  After the shock of, “I can’t believe I just walked into the automatic door,” I brushed myself off and laughed.  On the way out after shopping I felt a little vindicated when I noticed the door didn’t make it unscathed either.  There at my head level height was a big forehead smudge warning of the importance of watching where you’re going.