Thursday, September 20, 2012


Life here moves at a much different pace--not that it makes it any less hectic, just different.  I wrote before about a day in the life of our family, but here's an actual glimpse.  We have no dryer, but with temperatures well over 100 (STILL) and a balcony we can dry clothes pretty quickly--oh, and also dates.  These dates were given to us from our friends and neighbors fresh from the date palm and they are so delicious!  And in case you're wondering--yes, our outdoor balcony (and in fact our entire apartment) is carpeted.  I believe we may have the only place in this town with carpet.  I'm hoping for tile next time, and some trees.  Also this boggles my mind as well, but I'm pretty sure the tree in this picture is never watered (and considering it has been nearly a year since the last rainfall I'd call that pretty hardy--or maybe it's roots have tapped into the water line underground much like the bush/vine that grew outside and up and into our second story bathroom pipe...but that is a story for another day). =)  Which reminds me, time to go and put the laundry out again, and maybe eat a few dates while I'm at it--happy weekend to you all!