Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our Summer

We are back from our island adventures and I wanted to share some pictures from our time there--and I am super stoked because I took most of these (when you have a photographer husband it's a little sad to look at your own attempts at pictures.  It's even sadder when people assume by extension that I know how to take good pictures with fancy cameras--not that husband dear hasn't tried to teach me, but there's only so much my mind can retain =)).

 An honest to goodness shipwreck--you should see husband dear's pictures of this!  Mine were taken standing on the side of the car--hanging on tight because it was really windy.
Husband dear at work.

 Our favorite secluded playing beach--it was great except for when the wind picked up and we had to deal with the sand.  Imp called it the "sting-y place."

The interior of the island pretty much looked like this--we had a blast going off-road, thanks to our friends who let us borrow their vehicle on this trip!

We all had a great time climbing rocks and exploring, looking for fossils and geodes.

 Flamingos in the wild--this was a big exciting first for us.  After we discovered them we had to go every day so eldest son could check on them. =)
Be vewy, vewy quiet.  Eldest son and daughter stalking flamingos. =)